Well this week was an interesting week. Stress and frustrations boiled over and the class came together in frustration. The consensus was that the professors were not providing adequate communication, quality prepared lectures, and helpful information worthy of the university name and worthy of our tuition payments. We were given an opportunity to express our concerns and feelings about the program and we didn't hold our tongues. Some expressed frustrations more than others but overall the group was very disappointed with the program. We are constantly told to "trust the process" as hundreds have come before us and represent some of the most qualified and productive pa's in the state and country; however we are the program now and we represent the class graduating in 2013 and we deserve the best education. The program is in flux with new leadership and new direction as the program moves into a masters program. The week brought all of us together, gave us the opportunity to communicate and strengthen relations. Frustrations and frowns were converted to optimism and hope as we received quality lectures and direct communication. Our voices were heard and the faculty and leadership were made aware that we will not accept mediocrity.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead
We may not have changed the world but we changed our path in the program.
ReplyDeleteI'm curious what response you got from the program leadership on this issue and whether or not you saw a significant difference. I start my PA program this summer and I know that they converted to a master program 2 years ago and have heard MANY students make VERY similar claims as you noted above. I think these programs bend over backwards making concessions to the certification boards for the masters level curriculum and then do not fully comprehend the impact to the students and their ability to take the same old material they have used for years and correlate that to the additional objectives they program has added to appease the credentialing board.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment. Individual classmates would probably answer differently. I think some things have changed and a lot has stayed the same. I know that the faculty are aware of our concerns and recognize the frustration. I think they are trying to improve. There have been several times the program director has come and talked to us as a group. Opportunities to vent. I'm sure you will find faults with your program also... Good luck