Monday, February 16, 2015

Looking back

The First Post "The Rise and Fall in Life"
I just took a moment to read my first post and my mind began racing as I remembered the struggles, stresses, sleepless nights, prayers and hopes... (this was over 4 years ago).

Hello Everyone!,

About 3 years ago my life as I knew it changed forever. Approaching the age of thirty and establishing a family and rooted life... I lost my job. I experienced every emotion imaginable but especially an overwhelming constant concern of WHAT TO DO NEXT!

"Life is a storm. You will bask in the sunlight one moment and then be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into that storm and shout, do your worst, for I will do mine."

This blogs' intent is to outline the steps I took to become accepted to a physician assistant (PA) program, describe & display my life in PA school, and ultimately my life after PA school. I hope to assist those desiring to follow this career path through my experiences and also encourage all to find the best path for them to take in this journey through life notwithstanding what "storms" come their way.


  1. Hello Ben
    -This is really helpful as I feel a lot of the information out there is for young, first time college seekers. I really appreciate your insight! A particular question I have is going back for the pre-requisites, you say you attended a junior college, do you today with the popularity of the pa profession, feel that still makes degree holders competitive with applicants coming out of 4 yr university science classes? I am getting mixed reviews down here in the south, however enrolling in a 4yr institution as you know is more expensive, and they force you to enroll for another degree and do not accept just "Pre req" seekers.

    Any insight is appreciated,
    Thanks again.
    Aspiring PA!

  2. Very good question! I am in the same boat, contemplating taking prerequisites at a local community college, though fearful of the stigma attached. Looking forward to hearing your take on the matter!

  3. Very good question! I am in the same boat, contemplating taking prerequisites at a local community college, though fearful of the stigma attached. Looking forward to hearing your take on the matter!
