Saturday, January 28, 2012

Studying for physician assistant test

To answer a comment on a previous post I wrote the following about how I study for tests:

Well everyone has their own method of studying.... I approach it like a puzzle; I start with the edge pieces and complete the outer border. I follow this by working on an area and moving on one area at a time until I have worked in each area. Finally I spend time and concentration on the last few pieces.

So to interpret this, the outside border = beginning by looking over what I need to know and writing it down (I use a small white board in my office). I then read with a pad of paper and take notes on the areas I think are important. I then use supplemental information such as study guides, my notes and other texts to better understand key areas and convert this to note cards. Before the test I study with my note cards and go over and over them making sure I know the areas I chose to focus on. Several times it has occurred that there have been questions on the test that I never studied. I realize that I cannot cover everything and I sometimes miss a few areas as I omitted them while deciding what to study in the beginning steps. This happens but sticking to a plan and following it I have found allows me to study with less stress and helps me feel prepared come test time.

I know some students use charts and graphs. Some students like to review and study with applications and online tools. Some read every chapter in the book. There are many approaches that fit the many different personalities.

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