Thursday, January 27, 2011

Changing Careers

I recently took a chemistry class with someone that says she wants to be a doctor. The college we were taking the class at is medium sized junior college. The "future doctor" works 40 + hours a week at a low paying job, lives at home with parents, spends a lot of time with boyfriend, takes 1 or 2 classes a semester earning average grades, no time for homework or career preparation etc..

Heres the problem: She is not on the right path to become a doctor. Everything that she is doing may be good things; However, they are not the things to allow her to become a doctor.

I think this happens a lot to people that want to change careers. They have the desire to do something they really love and they take passive steps towards achieving the goal but they do not immerse themselves in the dream and they eventually fall short.

What is to happen to this student. Well likely it is going to take her years and years to finish a bachelors degree, if she even finishes. What happens if her boyfriend wants to get married, have children etc?? Why not take out loans and take advantage of cost savings while living at home, stop working 40 hours a week, focus on taking large class loads (15 credit hours a semester) and living at the library to study and earn high marks. Volunteer and network with physicians in the area, spend time with love and dating but focus on the goal to become a doctor.

It doesn't matter what you want to do, just take the right steps. Make long term commitments that are worthwhile and that make fiscal sense. Earning a higher salary in a few years by taking on debt rather than taking a decade to achieve something living paycheck to paycheck is not fiscally sound advice. She told me that she had to work so many hours to survive, but I'm sorry what you are doing is suffocating your dream.... GO FOR IT

Are you the person that has tried to learn a new language, perhaps bought a book or software, tries for a few months.... Or do you change your lifestyle and make time for what you want to do????

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