Yes I
am still in PA school. I will graduate this summer and I can't wait to finish.
The second year has been focused on clinical skills learned by direct
"hands on" type learning. Each student has a primary physician
(preceptor) who works with us and is given the task to facilitate the teaching
of how to be a medical provider. These physicians have agreed to teach and are
not compensated. The typical routine is for the student to shadow for a bit and
get to know the office and the procedures, followed by seeing patients by
yourself. After seeing a patient you discuss the visit with the doctor and make
your suggestions of an assessment and a plan. The doctor will then return and
see the patient and let you know if there are things to do differently and remind
you of what is most important. In some ways it is a win-win situation. The
doctor is able to receive free work by letting you see patients and moving the
patient flow at an increased rate and the student is learning how to be a
provider beyond what the books tell you.
second year has been focused on this type of learning in a primary care
location and also we are spending time in surgery, geriatric medicine,
pediatrics, ob-gyn, psychiatry, in-patient, and in the ER.
continue to study our notes and read the textbooks as we are continually tested
on pathology, decision making, assessments, and physiology.
learning has been rigorous and stressful. I feel myself constantly in
uncomfortable situations where I don’t quite belong or rather in someone else’s
territory. Patients look at me with dubiousness, wondering if I can help them.
This anxious and stressful learning is over-the-top at times but it is part of
the process. After going through the process again and again it is nice when
you recognize the progress. It is amazing to think that only a few short months
separate the initial task I set out on so many years ago and successful
completion. There are many jobs available and offers have already been